Born and raised in Highland Mills, NY, Melissa Gualano has been dancing for most of her life. Melissa began her dance career at Giselle Dance Studio. At age 10, she started her journey here at Step by Step Dance Studio, where she stayed for the remainder of her high school career. In 2017, Melissa graduated with honors, from SUNY Oneonta, with a Major in Elementary Education, a Concentration in Spanish, and a Minor in Dance. While there, she was a part of the college’s Terpsichorean Dance Company as well as the Oneonta State Kickline team. Through these organizations she was able to
perform in 2 annual recitals, as well as at various sporting events on campus. They also allowed her the opportunity to compete multiple times at The Collegiate Dance Competition, hosted by SUNY Cortland, as well as the UDA’s New England Dance Competition at Westfield University. Melissa was also given the opportunity to both perform and choreograph at Lincoln Center with the A.A.P.A.E. She was even lucky enough to send her choreography to be performed in Italy last year with the same organization. During the day Melissa works full time teaching kindergarten and loves that she is still able to share her passion of dance here at her forever home after school. Melissa continues her own dance education by doing workshops such as The Pulse and NUVO. Melissa is excited to continue spreading her passion with a new generation of young dancers here at Step by Step.